
Mythe 1941 & 1964 Eel Screens

Pro Steel Engineering (PSE) was approached by CIM6 (Costain) after Severn Trent Water Ltd (STWL) identified four freshwater river intakes at the Mythe water treatment facility, that required overhauling works to minimise the environmental impact of STWL operations on the leptocephalus populations. These works would be carried out as a part of the National Environment Programme, Phase 5 (NEP5) and the Eels Regulations 2009.

The steel structure would go on to support the Hydrolox Vertical Eel Screens at the Mythe 1941 and 1964 intake locations. To fulfil this brief, PSE commissioned KGAL Consulting Engineers to carry out the design elements of the project.

Mythe 1941

Following a briefing meeting PSE and KGAL set to work to meet the clients’ requirements that would also ensure it was easy to install at site. This reduced the need for specialist labour such as divers and rope access. Other limiting factors included that the maximum weight of any single component could not exceed 7.0Te due to restrictions of the size of crane that could be positioned at site.

It consisted of a base frame which sat on the existing concrete apron with two number supporting towers that would house the Vertical Eel screens.

The next issue to overcome was to form a seal between the existing pump house and the supporting structure. This issue was further complicated by the various undulations in the pump house wall. This issued was overcome by a simple detail where several sliding panels with strips of neoprene closed cell foam were bolted in position. This would allow the specialist labour to adjust the panels and seal the gap between the two structures.

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A465 Structure 27 Coed Ffyddlwn Bridge

For client Costain, on behalf of Welsh Government we recently installed two preassembled braced pairs.

  • 100 tonnes of weathering grade steel
  • 500 tonne crane used to install two preassembled braced pairs
  • 30 metres long

Check out these before and after pictures:

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Pont Sain Alban

Pont Sain Alban, Treherbert

Cawsom y dasg gan Alun Griffiths Contractors o adeiladu a chodi 115 tunnell o ddur gwrthdywydd ar y bont bum rhychwant sy’n croesi Afon Rhondda yn Nhreherbert, ar gyfer Cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf. Roedd galw mawr am y prosiect hwn gan ddefnyddwyr lleol ac roeddem yn hapus bod buddsoddiad wedi’i wneud i ddiogelu’r bont ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Adeiladwyd y bont wreiddiol yn y 1930au, ac roedd hi bellach mewn cyflwr gwael. Felly, yn ogystal â gwella’r bont, roeddem yn awyddus i arbed amser ac egni’r tîm ehangach trwy nifer o ffyrdd gan gynnwys adeiladu oddi ar y safle a sicrhau bod y deunyddiau’n hirhoedlog ac yn effeithlon er mwyn lleihau’r angen am gostau cynnal a chadw ac atgyweirio ychwanegol yn y dyfodol.

Mae’r prosiect, a oedd yn werth £400k, wedi cymryd dros 5,000 o oriau adeiladu, a defnyddiwyd dulliau peirianneg gwerth ar gyfer dilyniant yr adeiladu er mwyn dileu’r angen i osod trestlau cynnal dros dro ar y safle. Cafodd trawstiau eu cydosod ymlaen llaw yn ein safle ym Mhont-y-pŵl ac fe’u codwyd i’w lleoliad o’r cludiant er mwyn lleihau gweithio ar uchder ar y safle a lleihau rhaglen y safle.

Roedd angen 2,500 o folltau rheoli tensiwn i ddal y gwaith dur at ei gilydd, a 6,000 o stydiau wedi’u weldio i gysylltu’r trawstiau dur â’r dec concrit. Cymerodd tîm ymroddedig Pro Steel bythefnos i gwblhau’r gwaith o osod y 38 beryn a 30 trawst y bont ar y safle.

Ymhen amser, bydd y dur gwrthdywydd yn magu ei batina ei hun, gan amddiffyn ei hun rhag glaw Cymru ac atal rhydu!

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St Albans Bridge

St Albans Bridge, Treherbert

We were tasked by Alun Griffiths Contractors to fabricate and erect 115 tonnes of weathering steel on the five-span bridge that crosses the River Rhondda in Treherbert for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council. This project was in high-demand by its local users and we were happy that investment had been made to future-proof it.

The original bridge was built in the 1930s and, as such, was now in a poor condition. Therefore, as well as improving it, we were keen to save the wider team’s time and energy through a number of ways including fabricating off-site and ensuring materials were long-lasting and efficient to reduce the need for added maintenance and repair costs in the future.

The £400k project took over 5,000 fabricating hours and we value engineered the construction sequence to eradicate the need for temporary support trestles on-site. Girders were pre-assembled in our Pontypool facility and lifted into position from transport to minimise working at height on-site and reduced the site programme.

It required 2,500 tension control bolts to hold the steelwork together and 6,000 shear studs to connect the steel beams to the concrete deck. The work took the dedicated Pro Steel team two weeks on-site to install the 38 bearings and 30 bridge beams.

The weather-proof steel will, in time, produce its own patina, and therefore protect itself from the Welsh rain and inhibit rusting!

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ICC Wales, Celtic Manor

Pro Steel Engineering was commissioned to create an iconic steel dragon for the new ICC (International Convention Centre) Wales.

Located at Celtic Manor, the £84m conference facility has a capacity of 5,000 and includes an auditorium for 1,500 people, split over two levels, and 15 meeting rooms. The building overlooks the M4 in Newport and warranted an iconic sculpture.

It needed 22 tonnes of steel plate and section, took eight months from start to finish, 1,700 fabrication hours, 850 litres of paint and four weeks on site to erect it.


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Canolfan Gynadledda Rhyngwladol Cymru

Canolfan Gynadledda Rhyngwladol Cymru, Celtic Manor

Comisiynwyd Pro Steel Engineering i greu draig ddur eiconig ar gyfer Canolfan Gynadledda Rhyngwladol Cymru.

Mae’r ganolfan wedi’i lleoli yn Celtic Manor, ac mae’r cyfleuster cynadledda sy’n werth £84m yn cynnwys lle ar gyfer 5,000 o bobl, gan gynnwys awditoriwm ar gyfer 1,500 o bobl, wedi’i rannu dros ddwy lefel, a 15 ystafell gyfarfod. Mae’r adeilad yn edrych dros yr M4 yng Nghasnewydd ac mae’n haeddu cael cerflunwaith eiconig.

Fe’i hadeiladwyd o 22 tunnell o blât dur a thoriadau dur, a chymerodd y gwaith wyth mis o’r dechrau i’r diwedd, sef 1,700 o oriau saernïo, 850 litr o baent a phedair wythnos ar y safle i’w godi.

Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran Pro Steel: “Bu amrywiaeth o weithwyr yn gweithio ar y prosiect, gan gynnwys gwneuthurwyr, weldwyr, peintwyr a chodwyr. Bu’n prentisiaid a’n hyfforddeion yn cymryd rhan ym mhob cam o’r broses gan gynnwys dylunio, cynhyrchu a gosod.

“Tata Steel oedd yn gyfrifol am y dyluniad cychwynnol, a chwblhaodd Pro Steel y dyluniad trwy waith dylunwyr wrth gefn, a bu’n gweithio’n agos â dylunydd Tata trwy gydol y broses.”

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Yew Tree Underbridge

Yew Tree Underbridge – Wrenbury, Cheshire

Pro Steel Engineering was contracted to 3D model, fabricate, application of the required protective treatment and concrete deck for the replacement underbridge. All manufacture was carried out at Pro Steel Engineering works and the two individual bridge decks delivered to site for client installation to be carried out.

Each bridge deck comprised a fabricated U-Deck 8.2 meters long x 3.7m wide x 1.3m high. The deck plates were 30mm thick and supplied in a single piece. The finished steelwork weight for each deck was 17.98 tonnes.



Tata Steel

Tata Steel

We have executed a number of projects with the team including the following:

Tata Steel Orb – Crane Girders

We were tasked by Tata Steel to replace critical structural assists within the Annealing Furnaces in a live operational area.

The task involved our design, fabrication and delivery teams to meet the clients programme and supply the Crane Girders ahead of the shut down.

This annual shut down was part of the critical path activity and marked the first order from the Tata Steel Group and was delivered on time and within budget.

Tata Steel Orb AP1 Pickle line

As part of Tata Steel’s plan to extend the main furnace at its Orb Pickle line, we were asked to undertake a complex removal and repositioning activity of a rolling assembly and structure to allow for the furnace extension. Tata’s primary goal was to gain additional annealing time to meet the demands of highly sophisticated carbon steel grades for the automotive and white goods sectors.

Our team designed, provided temporary works, complex lifting, used advanced curing methods and executed intricate positions of the new structure which had to be done within a specified timeframe in line with mill scheduling. The work was completed to a high standard and signed off one day earlier than planned. Even with additional unknown factors and workload, we finished the work within budget and zero accidents. Thanks to the high-quality teamwork, Tata instructed us to complete further work on the project.



Principality Stadium

Principality Stadium

The Principality Stadium management team pledged to provide the stadium with improved access for disabled guests as part of its commitment to improving accessibility.

We were invited to an open-book partnership to design, fabricate and install three, large disability platform areas at several locations throughout the stadium.

We fabricated the work offsite and delivered as modular units to the city centre location. We then installed in conjunction with the stadium occupancy programme which required exact planning and precise management.

The platforms were commissioned and installed in time for the 2018 international football and rugby matches as planned.

To read more, here is a WalesOnline story about it 

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Twickenham Stadium

Twickenham Stadium

We were tasked with extending a number of accommodation floors of the stadium which included a canopy structure to enclose it all.

The floors at levels 2,3,4, 4a and 5 of the east stand developments were extended and a canopy was erected above level 5 to enclose the elements of plant.

Predominantly a beam and column structure construction, the Pro Steel team was responsible for the member connection design with over 1,000 tonnes of new steelwork detailed, fabricated and erected.

The majority of the structural steelwork received an off-site application of intumescent paint to provide a 90-minute fire rating. Incorporated within the structure were eight No. plate girders, the largest being 14.5 meters long and 16.7 tonnes.